Construction sequence of the building process

Erecting a high rise involves the amalgamation of a variety of skill-sets and countless hours of effort. Experts from multiple trades come together to give life to a project in accordance with the desires of the client. Although several new technologies have come up in this industry, the basic sequence of building construction does not vary much. The building process that marks the birth of a building begins with the client.

1.      Brainstorming

In order to correctly map out the requirements of the project, the client first approaches a consultant. First order of business is to create a strategic definition of the project. Post meetings with architects and engineers, a rough conceptual design iteration of the building is drawn up. Further meetings are held with the client to ensure that the translation has occurred seamlessly.

2.      Design

The architectural firm is responsible for the creation of building designs. Teams draw up designs (developed designs) that adhere to basic building codes and regulations after conducting preliminary site surveys. Architectural designs are then forwarded to other departments for their inputs. Engineers from different trades collaborate to populate the basic design with structural, hvac services, plumbing, drainage, electrical and fire fighting systems. Tenders are then called to invite contractors to bid for the project. Development of technical designs comes next. This might be performed by the selected contracting agencies. Once the drawings are approved by the client and municipal authorities, clearance is given to the contractor to commence on-site activities.

3.      Ground clearing

The construction site is first cleared off so as to create a ‘clean slate’. The perimeter is marked, and any debris present is removed. Workers’ quarters, storage facilities, hoardings and other temporary structures are then built. Water and electricity supply provisions are also ensured during this stage.

4.      Setting out

Grid lines and reference points are established on the ground according to drawings. This process fixes the positions of boundaries, foundations, and other structural elements.

5.      Excavation

Based on soil lab test reports, excavation depths are assigned, and the excavation process kicks off. Excavation refers to the use of tools, mechanical equipment, or explosives to remove soil, rock, or other materials. The aim of this process is to create a clean pit for laying the foundation.

6.      Foundation

The excavated surface is then compacted, and concrete is poured over it. Footing or rebar and foundation beams are then installed as per structural design. Foundations are then concreted.  

7.      Rest of civil

Next step in the process covers the remaining civil activities such as frame construction, cladding installation and fitting out.

8.      Services installation

The building is now set to house important services such as electrical systems, hvac systems, plumbing systems, drainage systems and fire- fighting systems. Engineers and skilled worked from their respective trades coordinate and get the systems fixed.

9.      Final finishes

The building takes a polished shape with finalization of interior design.

10.   Handing over

The finished building is finally ready for occupation and is officially handed over to the client. As per the terms of the contract, the contractor may also be responsible for carrying out maintenance activities that arise during the initial period. This brings the sequence of construction building process to a close.